A Word on Facial Beauty

When it comes to skin, the face is of particular interest. Facial skin health is important to facial beauty. I am of the opinion that all face types, when properly cared for, are beautiful.

Numerous studies have shown that mate selection and other relationships are influenced by the appeal of the face. Conversely, untreated conditions of the face lead to the lack of confidence in the patient and possible bias in thier various relationships.

At our office, we work closely with our friends at the various local Dermatology offices. If patients have conditions other than the signs and symptoms of aging, we send them for evaluation and treatment. After that, as a part of general skin care, we work with patients on their ongoing regimen. Inevitably, ongoing skin care will involve a healthy dose of prevention - sun protection, as well as a cleansing regimen, face nutrients, face treatments, and moisturizer.

Face care regimens may also include red light therapy.

All light therapy is more potent the closer it is to the tissue. That is why masks can attain an effectiveness that roomy red light saunas cannot. Light therapy for the face must be of a certain power density. It must be of a certain set of wavelengths. Given all these factors, we have vetted the models on the market and opted to endorse Omnilux, a flexible face mask which I have used since the fall of 2022. It meets all these criteria and yet is more affordable than many.

Omnilux masks come in versions suitable for general skin improvement, acne, men, the hands, and the neckline. Omnilux uses optimized energy output and two clinically proven wavelengths of red and near infrared (630nm and 830nm) to recharge cellular energy at the level of the mitochondria, regenerating ATP from ADP. This causes, among other things, the restoration of collagen and elastin that the tissue was originally designed to have. In general, the light therapy, also called photobiomodulation (PBM) gives the skin the extra resources it needs to heal itself.

Please see our collection of pamphlets on the Omnilux line.

( More to come!Under construction! Please check back soon!)