maternal morbidity

Medical Monday: Breaking News from the World of Obstetrics and Gynecology

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These Summer days are very busy for me and my family. So I am going to keep to an abbreviated or bullet version this summer. A little later, I’ll let you in on a fun little secret about why I am so busy. 

The biggest policy new has to do with the need to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court created by the resignation of Justice Kennedy. The most contentious issue thus far has been abortion, Thus, all conceivable candidates are being scrutinized for their views the subject. Justice Kennedy had been a more liberal justice, and Trump has promised to install an anti abortion justice who would then contribute to the making of law for the rest of their tenure. At present, under Roe V. Wade, abortion is legal. Prior to that it was not, yet many many women and caregivers defied the law, often at great peril. My late father in law, an Obstetrician Gynecologist minted in the early 1960s remembered the days before legal abortion, and while no friend of abortion, told us cautionary tales about the complications that illegal abortions could produce. 

The ACA (Affordable Care Act) has more users now than it did last year. As of this last February, 3% more people paid for ACA plans than the prior year. This is especially noteworthy since the Fed decreased funding for outreach about the plan by 90% and halved the enrollment period. 

Starting in 2019 the Joint Commission ( a chief governing body for hospitals) will require accredited hospitals to have a newborn identification protocol. Details to follow, though we know it will require “ two factor authentication”. 

The Senate has approved 50 million dollars in funding to reduce maternal mortality. Most of this will go to the Federal Maternal and child Health Bureau to expand life saving evidence based programs. Some will also go to the CDC and some will go to Healthy Start programs for mothers and babies. 

The Senate also has approved three new bills pertaining to maternal and child well being. In particular the money will be used to reopen closed programs which aim to prevent preterm birth. 

One major piece of the maternal mortality puzzle is the lack of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. It is tough job with tough call and its pay lags behind that of similar surgical specialists. It is estimated that there will be a shortage of nearly 8800 Ob/Gyn in just TWO YEARs, in 2020. The shortage is very likely to keep growing. 

Medical News

Non-European women with ovary cancer seek genetic testing less than their peers. Genetic testing after ovary cancer may help identify risk factors for other members of the family dn may define the patient’s tumor type in such a way as to tailer its treatment and make it more effective. 

Flight attendants have been found to have a higher incidence of many various types of cancers. The findings were published in the Journal Environmental Health. It is unclear why this is the case. Theories include increased exposure to ionizing radiation, circadian rhythm disruption , or to other carcinogens. More study is needed. 

Many older women or their caregivers begin to lessen the frequency of their bone density screenings after about 65 years of age. I have never liked this approach as it smacks of marginalizing older women. Many older women begin their final decline with a hip fracture that could’ve been prevented. Now, new recommendations from the USPTF, US Preventive Services Task Force has produced evidence saying it could be worthwhile. This is true because there are many meaningful potential treatments, which when instituted, could help prevent bone fractures and the debility that those entail. 

Probiotics. They are for gut health, right ? Turns out a new study has shown that probiotics given to women protect against the loss of bone density. See the Journal of Internal Medicine. 

There are nine vaccine which pregnant women may receive. ACOg has recently released a single page list of these and his encouraging all pregnant women to speak with their physician about these. 

Smoking. It’s bad. How bad ? Well its bad enough to increase your risk of miscarriage…. even if it is just your partner who smokes ! Yes, second hand smoke from a partner is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage. 

In separate research, smoking also appears to double your child’s chances of having hearing loss. 

In clinic, most people report being active. And yet, the CDC report s that fewer than 23 % of US adults are meeting federal standards for time spent exercising. 

In rather disturbing news, over 1 in 4 girls have harmed herself in the past year, often by cutting or burning, compared to 1 in 10 boys. 

There is more good news about vitamin D. It turns about high levels of vitamin D may help prevent breast cancer. Vitamin D levels in our lab should sit between 30 and 80 to be considered normal. However, there is more and more evidence that sitting on the higher end of that spectrum may have benefits. New research has indicated that having a level near 60 confers 80% lower risk of breast cancer compared to a level near 20. Associated risk factors were depression, suicidal thoughts, buying and substance abuse were risk factors. See the recent edition os American Journal of Public Health. 


Oh… my fun little secret ? I am starting a traditional French Bakery and Bistro. No, I will not be baking. Yes, I will continue full time Obstetrics and Gynecology. It has always been a dream, and, along with a great team of people, I am getting to realize it. Stay tuned. We will open in late August. Visit me at 


to learn more. And...stay tuned for more news from the fascinating world of Obstetrics and Gynecology, here, next week on Medical Monday. 


Medical Monday: Breaking News from the World of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Female doctor or nurse touching futuristic hologram screen.  Genetic, medicine and innovative technologies concept..jpg

Maternal mortality is a big topic nationwide. The rates are unacceptable in the US, and particularly bad in the South. Arkansas, in a reasonable move to triage women for eligibility for home birth, have established a screening process. That screening process for women helps the State determine who may legally delivery at home. Heretofore, this screening did not require a vaginal exam. Now it does, and this has brought fire from patients and home birth midwives. It has always been our position that a patient may decline anything for any reason. However, to qualify for certain program certain requirements must be met. My position would be that women who do not want vaginal exams will have to forgo participation in that particular program. And, I must ask, what is the problem with vaginal exams ? Women are not fragile and information is power. This type of overly precious attitude toward the female body, even by women, is counter to the interests of maternal and fetal health. It is case of putting philosophy over responsibility. 

Texas OB/Gyns are starting to speak out about what they see are the causes of excessive maternal mortality rates. They are identifying system errors such as failing to recognize risk, as well as more subtle phenomena, such as unconscious bias. Race is of course a factor as black women are four times more likely to die than white women. A rally in Boston highlighted the same cause of maternal mortality. The centerpiece of the rally was a billion the US Senate which will promote the formation of state review committees for maternal mortality. 

Pennsylvania is also taking measures to try to curb maternal mortality and has established a committee through the State Health Department to scrutinize the problem. 

In an effort to get more pregnancy women into prenatal care, Connecticut has approved a bill to make pregnancy a “ qualifying life event”. This means that pregnant patients in the state my enroll in insurance plans anytime, and need not enroll within the confines of the enrollment period. 

With all this talk on maternal mortality, one might take a moment and discuss maternal morbidity. Morbidity means serious complications short of death. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has indicated that for every 1 mother who dies, 70 nearly die. That is an astonishing statistic and goes a long way in my mind toward explaining why Obstetricians have such burn out, and why their numbers are decreasing. Maternal morbidity comes from all the same things maternal mortality: worsening maternal health, worsening access to evidence based care. poorly funded health care systems, unconscious bias, race, etc. 

The Trump Administration is considering implementing the so called “gag rule”domestically. This would prohibit the dispensation of Title X funding to any clinics which even mentioned abortion. I wonder how this reconciles with freedom of speech ? Can you imagine trying to enforce this ? All patient consultation and exam rooms would need to have audio recording equipment and someone would have to review the recordings. Dystopian much ? 

The Trump administration is reappropriating about $15 billion in unspent funds from CHIP (Children Health Insurance Program) and certain part of the ACA ( Affordable Care Act). Democrats feel this is not the time to cap these budgets or reduce rainy day funds. However the Trump administration budget is ballooning and they are trying to cut costs anywhere they can even for vulnerable groups. 

Iowa has banned abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected, which is at around 6 weeks. However, similar measures have passed in North Dakota and Arkansas but they have both been struck down as being unconstitutional and inconsistent with Roe V. Wade. 

Louisiana has seen a quadrupling of the rate of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). NAS describes the condition of infants who are born to opioid addicted women. A recent feature in teh New You Times has reported that about 90% of pregnancies among addicted women are unintended. The reasonable inference here is that addicted women have a hard time using birth control effectively. 

ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ) advises pregnant and breastfeeding women not to use marijuana for concerns about developmental delays. Nonetheless, a new study has shown that 69% of Colorado Dispensaries phoned do recommend it to pregnant women for nausea. Dumb and dumber. 

New data is coming out that induction at 39 weeks may be associate with fewer risks and lower C section rates. More research is needed. 

A new study on genetic testing for breast cancer has shown that those who do not meet the criteria for testing have harmful mutations AS OFTEN as those who do meet the screening criteria. Sounds like the screening criteria need broadening. 

In other genetics related news, we find that the number of genetics tests available is increasing. A new study has shown that only a small subset of physicians order genetic testing, and even fewer know how to interpret them. This appears to be a case of the technology moving faster than our understanding. 

The Human Genome Research Institute is developing “ preconceptual screening” for couples. Right now screening is piecemeal, meaning only for a selection of known genes. However, they are developing  a whole genome sequencing program, which has been made possible by NGS, or next generation screening. 3.5 % of participants had a medically actionable finding. As of yet, the majority of the information acquired does not have a clinical application. 

Yet more data has come out of a large study on the HPV (human papilloma virus). In a study of 73,000, it has been shown not only to prevent cervical cancer, it also prevents precancerous lesion of the cervix. Additionally it did not show any increased risk of side effects compared to control. 

Stay tuned for more breaking news from the world of Obstetrics and Gynecology next week, here on Medical Monday. 

Medical Monday : Two Week Catch Up


Happy Easter and Happy Passover. We have two weeks to cover. Thanks for reading ! 


Policy News

Much of the National Health Policy News this week deals with contraception and reproductive health. Can anyone remember any time in this or any other country when these private matters were ever so much on the national stage ? The politically conservative aspects of my nature questions why this degree of government intervention in private lives is necessary. My medical qualifications and medico-legal experience cause me to classify some of this meddling as practicing medicine without a license. 

Title X is a federal grant program whose purpose it is to promote positive birth outcomes and healthy families. It provides grants for family planning and health services. So here’s my first question: Why is it not run by health care professionals ? Trump administration officials are now contemplating new wording which would add additional criteria for clinics to receive Title X funding, namely the provision of primary preventive services. Sounds good right ? Well many clinics offer only reproductive health services. These clinics would have to expand or close. This measure seems like just another way of closing family planning clinics.  Now whether pap smears would qualify as preventive health is unclear, or whether paps would be classified as reproductive health, I don’t know. 

Texas is challenging the federal government’s withholding of funds for its family planning programs. They were withheld several years ago based on the fact that these providers, many of them through Planned Parenthood, also provided abortions.

Planned Parenthood itself is challenging the Federal Government on its withdraws of funds from the teen pregnancy program. Between this and two other plaintiffs, the Department of Health and Human Services has partially and temporarily restored some of the funding until litigation can be completed. 

Idaho has failed to solve the problem of insurance for those whose income falls between Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act coverage criteria. A proposal called Plan First Idaho would have funded family planing services for women in the gap. My question is, what rocket scientist designed the State’s the two programs such that their income qualifying criteria do not meet seamlessly ? This is a problem of their own making and it needs solving. Republicans in the Idaho House stalled this measure. 

Idaho Governor “ Butch” Otter has approved a measure by which prospective abortion patients must a told about “ abortion reversal” a procedure that does not exist. Additionally, he has signed legislation which will require abortion providers to collect personal and demographic information which, in de-identified form they intend to make public. I don't know what they think this will accomplish, but I have a feeling it may backfire, since they will be able to see how many and how diverse a group of women utilize the procedure.

The Supreme Court is hearing a case between the State of California and a group of "crisis pregnancy centers”, an actual chain of 130 outlets run by “ The National Institute of Family and Life Advocates”. These centers are anti-abortion counseling facilities, however they are licensed as family planning providers. California has a law requiring that all licensed family planning facilities to post notices of the availability of free or low cost birth control and abortion services and they are challenging it. They are arguing that this posting requirement violates their free speech.  So far the Court has expressed concern that these clinics not be singled out from other clinics. California has argued that their staff, many of whom are not medically qualified, present medical misinformation as truth, all to the end of dissuading patients from abortion. Apparently theses non-credentialed counselors actually wear white coats. 

Along with the opioid epidemic has come a hepatitis C epidemic. Kentucky, having seen a surge of the disease, has passed a law now requiring all pregnant women to be tested for it. Hepatitis C used to be very hard to treat. However, patients have much more hope nowadays due to the availability of effective therapy. 

Missouri has expanded Medicaid for pregnant women in drug abuse treatment. Their continued coverage will be contingent upon them staying in treatment, and could under those conditions, be continued up to 12 months.  

And now for more of a purple to blue state review:

Florida is considering a bill requiring HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccination to be required as part of the vaccinations required of children attending public school. Human papilloma virus causes multiple illnesses most notably cervical cancer and genital warts, and the vaccine has not demonstrated any conclusive evidence of harm.

It is interesting to note that physicians are not prescribing HPV vaccine equally for female and male children. Doctors recommend the vaccine twice as often for girls as they do for boys. This puts the boys at increased risk for HPV disease, and puts all their future partners at increased risk too. 

Mississippi passed a law banning abortion after 15 weeks Of course this is unconstitutional based on Roe V. Wade which is still on the books. A Federal Judge over turned Idaho's ban. 

New Hampshire has passed a bill which will allow pharmacist to prescribe birth control. No doctors visit will be necessary. The medical establishment has concluded that vast majority of the birth control methods are safe for the vast majority of women. They certainly are when compared to pregnancy for those same women. Authorities believe this will eliminate yet one more barrier to contraception. Utah signed a similar law into place earlier in the week. 

On the other coastline, the state of Washington now has a bill that will require insurance to cover contraception, abortion and maternity care. Additionally, after the first of the year, all contraception has to be co-pay and deductible free. This includes voluntary sterilization. 

The new budget has failed to shore up the ACA ( Affordable care Act) marketplaces. States will have to tighten their belts and work on their budgets one by one. 

ProPublica has reported that the “US is the most dangerous country in which to give birth”. States all over the US are creating programs to quantify and address the problem of maternal morbidity and mortality, even as the Federal government under Trump is dismantling reproductive and maternal health care piece by piece. 

Do you ever get the feeling that the various States in America are becoming like the countries of the European Union with different values, cultures budgets and laws ? 


Medical News: 



Striking research findings presented at Lancet Global Health conference have shown that the death risk is double among pregnant women who are anemic compared with those who are not. The lead study author also found the correcting anemia is not a sufficiently high enough priority among physicians. 

Research presented at Diabetes UK conference has shown that excess weight gain incurred during pregnancy by  gestational diabetics is associated with greater risk of cesarean section.

Women who exercise in pregnancy have shorter labors. This interesting news was published in the May issue of European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. The study group attended a professionally led session of moderate exercise three days per week. Labor was shortened about one hour, mostly in the first stage, or dilating phase. ACTIONABLE ! 

Children who were breastfed exclusively for at least 6 mores were less likely to become overweight to obese than their counterparts. The conclusions were drawn by analyzing over 38,000 records from children South Korea. The finding were presented at the Endocrine Society Annual Meeting. 

Gynecology/General Medical News: 

There may be a male birth control pill on the horizon. Research at the Endocrine Society's annual conference has presented information on a new male birth control pill called DMAU. It contains androgen and progestin,  which is analogous to the contents of the female birth control pill, estrogen and progestin. Once daily tablets appear to be safe and effective. No period required. 

Menopause and aging in general is characterized by a loss of muscle mass and bone density as well as the deposition of fat. As suspected, the Mediterranean diet may have a positive impact on bone mineral density and muscle mass in postmenopausal women. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes the eating of high quality protein, large volumes of fruit and vegetables, healthy fats such as olive oil and a modest amount of complex carbohydrates such as whole grains. As a whole, the diet is lower in simple carbohydrates than the typical American diet and is also higher in protein and antioxidants.

There are now over 400 cases of a rare lymphoma which are linked, epidemiologically, to breast implants. Breast implants are not new. Lymphoma is not new. However our ability to collect and parse data is better than it has ever been. The FDA it's taken this ability and created a meaningful database for this type of information. While an association between breast implants and this rare lymphoma is being established through data collection, a causality between the two is not necessary implied. That said, nothing is more likely to lead us to understand the causes of this problem than amassing quality data about it. 

Federal funding support for cancers is disproportionately low for gynecologic cancers if you rank them by lethality. Cancer of the ovary and the uterus ranked near the bottom of the funding list. Contact your elected officials ! 

A new modification of the current device used for pap smears can identify cells from endometrial (uterine lining) and ovarian cancer. The investigational PapSEEK uses an analysis of 18 genes and analysis similar to that used in prenatal screening for Down’s syndrome to identical the genetically abnormal cancer cells. THIS IS SO COOL ! 

A new study on postmenopausal hormone therapy has shown that it does help maintain thinking and memory skills. This is the case IF it is initiated shortly after the onset of natural menopause. This study was presented in the Journal Neurology and was a high quality randomized controlled trial of 75 women between the ages of  42 and 56. 

In my mountain state, there is not a great deal of sunlight or seafood. As a result we have a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency. New research indicates that vitamin D deficiency increases a post menopausal women’s risk of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome includes the unholy triad of diabetes, high blood pressure, and abnormal serum lipids ( cholesterol and triglycerides) which together increase cardiovascular risk. Vitamin D levels are checked by a simple blood test. Ask your doctor about this ! 


Stay tuned for more news from the exciting world of Obstetrics an Gynecology, next week, here on Medical Monday ! 

Medical Monday: Delayed Edition


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The Department of Health and Human Services wants to expand funding for “ natural family planning” and “ fertility awareness” which are largely ineffective methods of timing based birth control. In other words, DHHS want Medicaid to begin covering visits where patients are told this is a viable method of contraception. In other words, the DHHS wants to spend your tax dollars on an ineffective, scientifically invalid method of birth control. Meanwhile the rest of the administration is working on dismantling the Contraceptive Mandate, the part of current insurance law which states that insurers must cover, without copay, real effective birth control. Additionally, the DHHS has announced it is moving away from “ comprehensive sexual education” which is evidence based, and instead will be using your tax dollars to teach “ abstinence only” which has been proven not to work. It is beginning to seem like the administration wants women to have more babies. Maybe they see this as stimulating the economy through having more consumers, I don’t know. 

California Judge Haywood Gilliam has stood up to the Feds determined to weaken the contraceptive mandate. He has blocked changes to the ACA in California, saying that he will not allow these changes “ transform contraceptive coverage from an entitlement to a benefit subject to employer discretion.”

Utah is writing law which will require radiologists to specifically notify women of dense breast tissue. In this warning they are to explain that screening is less effective, and that they may be eligible for other screening modalities. 

New Jersey has replaced Republican Governor Chris Christie with Democrat Phil Murphy. Governor Murphy has reversed 8 years of policy by restoring funding to Planned Parenthood and other women’s health organizations. He has also signed a bill expanding coverage for Medicaid coverage of family planning, prenatal care and cancer screening. 

DHHS is working on various plans to reduce the price of prescription drugs to consumers. Sounds good right ? However one of the cost control measures is capping the amount of prescription drug benefit that Medicare Recipients can receive. The other strategies include enabling as many as 5 states to collectively bargain with suppliers over prices. 

The administration is at it again, proposing bargain basement plans for people. In the words of Admiral Akbar, “It’s a trap !”

These plans are cheap, and some fear that consumers might not realize their limitations on coverage or pre-existing conditions. These plans which do not comply with the protections and coverage of the ACA ( Affordable Care Act) are a recipe for future disaster. They contribute little to the collective pot and cover little for their purchasers. 



In the important and alarming department, we have cleaning sprays. New research published in the American Journal or Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine has shown that the “regular use of cleaning sprays can have as much impact on health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day." In this 6000 person study, “ cleaning even once per week was associated with an accelerated lung decline risk”. I will try to find out more about the types of cleaning agents used. 

HPV vaccine is still underused. Fewer than a third get their first dose by age 13, and fewer than half of all children are up to date on all their doses

In other vaccine news, a recent inventory of 400,000 births confirms that both influenza and TDaP vaccines are safe in pregnancy, and confer protection to both mom and baby. 

When we think of a heart attack, we think of an older man with check pain. However, women suffer heart attacks almost as much as men. However in women, particularly women under 55, symptoms may not be recognized since they are different than mens. These patients are more likely to have what is described as indigestion, shortness of breath, palpitations, or jaw pain. 

In related news, women’s heart attacks may have a different mechanism, coronary vasoconstriction, rather than the blockage from plaques that male patients often have. A new study confirms that among women with chest pain, and clean arteries, nearly 8% have scarred areas on the heart confirming that a heart attack occurred. 

About half of all breast cancer patient facing radiation heard “ frightening stories” about it. However after the therapy, only 2% agreed that the stories were true. 

Illinois has targeted maternal morbidity, specifically maternal morbidity due to severe maternal hypertension. A “quality initiative” specifying a “suite of interventions” was implemented. Participants qualified for the study by having BP at or greater than 160/110 (yikes!). Interventions included prompt pharmacologic treatment of maternal hypertension, specifically designed discharge education, and short postpartum follow up intervals. Severe maternal morbidity such as stroke as already decreased by 41%.


Stay tuned for more exciting news from the world of Obstetrics and Gynecology right here, next week, on Medical Monday.